>> ok fine. So you would rather pay lower fees to have your servers in the
USA guaranteeing your customers are at the mercy of the Government?
>Certainly! There is only so much interference from the US government, as
long as everybody plays by the rules. When we do get an inquiry, as

However, Robert, there is a problem! What if the rules of the US government
are not reasonable? What then? Say Philip Zimmerman... He wanted to protect
people's information from being spied by the government. He got sued and
hardly walked away free.

Now, what the the US government forbides the usage of encryption? If they
have a case when someone doesn't comply with that, and you host the
encrypted information, the US government could ask you to shut down the site
because it's the *law*. If you don't comply, they could shut *you* down
(your US servers).

Or let's take the case of TCPA (www.againsttcpa.com). The supporter of TCPA
want to pass a law to force people accept their interference with your
computer: "Well, your files are against the rules of US government, MS,
RIAA, IBM, Intel... They *must* be deleted". What then? Do you comply with
their rules?

How stupid can some people be thinking that, if two sky-scapers were taken
down with a few plastic knives, other people can't distroy every single bit
of information from all comuters that use TCPA, using the same thing that
*supposably* has to protect information!!! And they even want to implement
this in hardware! It's unbelievable how the US government is at the mercy of
some corporations and their rules!

George Hara


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