
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 98-10-16 14:31:06 EDT, you write:
> << rom:               Sarah Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject:             RE: family size,etc.
>  Originally to:       "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > Why do these discussions always turn into a ranting and raving scream
>  > fest? Discuss but stop getting so personal and angry. I think most of us
>  > basically agree on things around here - that's why we are all on an
>  > eco-feminist list server. I'll admit that I occasionally like to ruffle
>  > feathers to stir up controversy but this group always seems to turn into
>  > one of those shout matches on television. It's very tiresome. Let's talk
>  > about something positive. 
>  True, there ARE some gunslingers in here who will shoot from the 
>  hip with epithets of "sexist" and "homophobic" at the drop of an ill-
>  chosen metaphor, but they, too, are part of the mix, and serve the 
>  purpose of keeping us all on our politically correct toes.    Joe
>  Hi!  
> I for one am not on this list to keep anyone on their  politically correct
> toes - I for one am not sexist or homophobic-
> An ideal world would be where everyone agreed on everything that affected
> everyone and everything! That and a perfect world are not within our reach!
> So let's just focus on just make things better!  All we can hope for is
> better!  
> I am on this list to debate very important issues with people of different
> view points and religious beliefs - I find the discussions stimulating and
> educational.  This list inspires me to care more, think more and at times do
> more to help make the world a better place. 
> Let's not close ourselves into  turtle shells and limit our discussions -
> Eventhough it may be comfortable in there we can not remain in crawl or
> undershell position through out our life  - our spirits must sprout wings so
> that we can rise above the noise and confusion - ) and we can't  pretend that
> these issues are not important.  Dealing with issues that relate directly to
> ecofeminism - gender discrimination, sexual discrimination, overpopulation and
> the eco-crisis, religious beliefs and how the affect our behavior - in my
> opinion all very important topics.  Let's not shy away from them because they
> may make us feel uncomfortable at times or because we can take things too
> personal - this involves all of us  REALLY and literally all of us and we all
> have the power to change things  -
> Thanks!
> Angela
> Thanks!
> Angela

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