Angela you ever heard of getting pregnant through in vitro fertilization?


On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 98-10-16 12:57:01 EDT, you write:
> <<   Some might decide never to have children, just as 
>  some straight people might decide this.  Some of us might want many 
>  children.  >>
> Hi!
> Candi - I did not mean to sound biased - But - how can homosexuals DECIDE to
> HAVE children?  Do you mean decide to adopt children?  Of course, families
> come in different shapes and sizes and as I have said before "any love is good
> love in my book."  However, they do not have to make a decision whether to
> Pro-Create or not!  It is a different kind of decision - bring new people into
> the world or adopt ones that are already here.  Pro-creating  is not even an
> option for them - so therefore, discussing it is not relevant is what the post
> was implying - However, the eco-crisis does affect them and overpopulation
> effects the eco-crisis - therefore - the discussion does involve them.
> Thanks and Peace!
> Angela

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