Date sent:              Sat, 17 Oct 1998 06:40:41 EDT
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: family size,etc.

> In a message dated 98-10-16 21:42:11 EDT, you write:
> << As to nonhetero reproduction, haven't you ever heard of 
>  sperm/egg donation, in vitro fertilization and surrogate motherhood?  
>  Joe >>
> Hi!
> I assume in this instance the sperm/egg donation comes from a male/female -
> heterosexual donation?  Then if they donated their sperm/egg that male/female
> would be the responsible overpopulating party and not the surrogate mother who
> gives birth to the baby for the non-heterosexual family?  Therefore, the
> discussion of overpopulation is still a heterosexual issue because the
> homosexual family was not actually RESPONSIBLE for the overpopulation issue
> since they did not actually create the baby?  
Without their decision to have a child, it would not have been 
implanted in the surrogate mother and born; therefore they are 
responsible for the baby's creation.  However, i do agree that the 
desire of gays and lesbians to be parents has little to do with our 
overpopulation crisis.

> It is easy to point fingers at others Joe - you there with the blue dress -
> stop having babies the world is overpopulated and we don't need more polluters
> being born and she would say to you "Excuse me Mr. do I know you?" and you
> would say "Oh, I'm just a concerned citizen of a dying ecosystem."  And she
> would say "Well if your mother was told what you told me just now then you
> would have spared the need for your concern - take it up with her!"  
The population crisis, in the end, comes down to millions of 
individual and irresponsible personal decisions, either by the wife or 
the husband, to have beaucoup children.  I know this hits close to 
home with many people (including you, apparently, Angela), but 
overpopulation is occurring AT HOME, at ALL OUR HOMES (the 
earth), and is threatening to destroy them all.  In the face of this 
global danger, your anti-birth control stance appears to me to be 
less ethical, moral, freedom-fighting and noble than willfully blind, 
petty, selfish, and dogma-driven.  Please enlighten us as to the 
particular dogma that demands you take such an anti-ecological and 
anti-feminist position on an ecofeminist listserv.          Joe
> Would you feel that you were blaming the wrong person for your concerns>
> Overpopulation is a problem - Telling people to stop having children at any
> expense is not the answer!  
> Peace!
> Angela

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