
Why would a lesbian and gay man decide to have a baby?  What kind of family
life could they offer that baby?  And you are against people bringing more
people into the world because of the eco-crisis - but pro bringing babies into
familyless relationships?

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Oct 17 14:15:46 1998
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 16:11:45 EDT
Subject: Re: family size,etc.

In a message dated 98-10-17 13:35:48 EDT, you write:

<<  Please enlighten us as to the 
 particular dogma that demands you take such an anti-ecological and 
 anti-feminist position on an ecofeminist listserv.          Joe
 > Would you feel that you were blaming the wrong person for your concerns>
 >  >>

My stand was this and remains this:

Overpopulation is NOT the root cause of the Eco-Crisis _ never was - never
will be.  It does HOWEVER effect it!

OK now:

I am pro-Creation - pro-population control - but allow individuals to make
that decision - no mandates - I am also pro-more education about the eco-
crisis itself and the overpopulation situation and also to help people who are
in trouble become more independent and self-sufficient.


>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Oct 17 14:22:27 1998
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 16:17:53 EDT
Subject: Re: family size,etc.

In a message dated 98-10-17 14:37:23 EDT, you write:

<< We must no longer allow ourselves to be ruled 
 by our deeper, instinctual, genetically programmed drives; in fact, in 
 this case planetary survival dictates just the opposite; that we submit 
 to REASON >>

That's easier said then done!

But a very good point!  I agree that there needs to be population control - I
do not agree that it is at the root of the Eco-crisis - overpopulation just
makes matters worse -  I thought I was clear on that - you act as if I said no
population control - I merely said no mandates - educate and empower people to
make the right decision do not impose mandates on them!  For instance the two
children minimum or higher taxes - those I did not agree with! 

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Oct 17 14:28:15 1998
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 16:23:02 EDT
Subject: Re: family size,etc.

In a message dated 98-10-17 13:29:31 EDT, you write:

<< Why do these discussions always turn into a ranting and raving scream
 fest? Discuss but stop getting so personal and angry. I think most of us
 basically agree on things around here - that's why we are all on an
 eco-feminist list server. I'll admit that I occasionally like to ruffle
 feathers to stir up controversy but this group always seems to turn into
 one of those shout matches on television. It's very tiresome. Let's talk
 about something positive. 
Overpopulation is a hard subject but should not be overlooked!  I would like
to state for the record that I do not take these discussions personally - and
I am not angry with anyone - I like the give and take of discussions with
other viewpoints.  I know that debates and discussions get heated sometimes
because everyone wants to be right - and in some instances, we can't all be
right - so we need to hash through it together and help each other to reach
some understanding.  Eventhough it may seem like personal bashing, I think are
all hoping for the same thing, a little enlightenment, a chance to share what
we know  and influence others thoughts and an opportunity to learn something
that we can put to some good use to help the Earth, the animals and each
And that's a good thing! 

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Oct 17 14:52:51 1998
From: "Joe E. Dees" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 15:52:56 -0500
Subject: Re: family size,etc.
In-reply-to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date sent:              Sat, 17 Oct 1998 16:08:31 EDT
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: family size,etc.

> Hi!
> Why would a lesbian and gay man decide to have a baby?  What kind of family
> life could they offer that baby?  And you are against people bringing more
> people into the world because of the eco-crisis - but pro bringing babies into
> familyless relationships?
> peace!
> Angela
They could offer a loving, nurturing and caring family to the child.  
Just because two people are of the same sex does not mean that 
they can't form a supportive family unit. (BTW, I am straight - as if it 
matters).                                               Joe

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