I have not used a Leica GS20, how does it compare to the GeoXT?  also,=20
Malcolm L. McCallum
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Texas A&M University Texarkana
2600 Robison Rd.
Texarkana, TX 75501
O: 1-903-233-3134
H: 1-903-791-3843
Homepage: https://www.eagle.tamut.edu/faculty/mmccallum/index.html


From: Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news on behalf of =
Marlow G. Pellatt
Sent: Mon 3/27/2006 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: GPS units and accuracy data

There are several GPS units with as good or better precision than the =
 You will need to decide what Basic mapping grade handheld units include =
Leica GS20, Trimble Pathfinder series, and several other survey and =
level GPS units.  The Trimble GeoXT is a good handheld unit with decent
accuracy  but is not the most accurate or precise GPS on the market.
Geodetic and Survey grade GPS units are highly accurate but expensive.  =
have used several Garmins, Trimbles, CMT, and Leicas.  I have been happy
with with Leica GS20 and Trimble GeoXT for collecting spatial data for =
ecological applications.

Take a look at how the software will interface with your GIS and weather =
need to look at maps and air photos etc of you site in the field.

Here are some websites that may help you.


On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 14:41:46 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Forumites
> I wanted to find out more about GPS units, a topic many people have =
> about on this listserv in the past.  What I am trying to figure out is =

> accuracy between an item like the Trimble Geo-Explorer XT compared to
> something more economically available like a Garmin 12 or Magellan
> product?    =20
> Are people happy using simple GPS units like the Garmin 12 to collect =

> especially if you want to conduct geospatial analyses and if so how do =

> deal with spatial accuracy and post processing data if it can be done. =
> Also, what is the spatial accuracy compared to sub-meter GPS units.  I
> would
> assume that it couldn't but it might also be difficult to do.  I know =
> Trimble GPS unit and Pathfinder Office makes this easier and you have
> better
> accuracy and precision, you even get a root mean square error with you
> data
> so that could be discussed. I appreciate any input and help from any
> one and
> look forward to hear what has to be said.  You can reply to me and =
then I
> can summarize what was said to the listserv if need be.
> Thanks,
> Arvind
> Master's Student
> Department of Geography
> Virginia Tech
> http://www.geography.vt.edu/people/Grad%20Students/bhuta.htm

Marlow G. Pellatt, Ph.D.
Coastal Ecologist
Parks Canada, Western Canada Service Centre
300 - 300 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6B 6B4 Canada, and
School of Resource and Environmental Management
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, British Columbia
V5A 1S6 Canada
Phone: (604) 666-2556

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