Another real shortcoming of Mercator is it's ability to create summary
and detail level 997's.  Summary level fa's can be done with the audit
log, but it's ugly.  I hear it's a little easier in the new version 2
release but still uses the audit log.  And the audit log has been
completely rewritten, which means any existing 997 maps have to be

Still a great product, but creating a 997 map will drive you nuts.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian lehrhoff) AT internet on 01/11/2000
      08:56 AM

cc:    (bcc: Steve Arbo/ATISMD/ALLTEL)

Subject:  Re: EDI & ANY to XML translator - opinions wanted

The mapper is the same in all versions :)

You've discovered one trick about Mercator - the unix flavor runs much
seen the API in action, and it's even faster.  Unfortunately it's a
bear to inst all.


> We are using Mercator Open Edition+PeopleSoft on AIX and have been
very happy > with it so far.  This is a migration effort from and
older MVS TSI product to > Mercator.   Nonetheless, TSI (the vendor)
has told us that the NT version runs > just as fast or faster (than
the UNIX version) and cost less.  Another benefit > is that Mercator
is written first for NT and then for other platforms.  That > means
that the NT version is slightly ahead.  If you are going to look at >
Mercator, take a look at Mercator EC and/or Mercator Open Edition.
The only > thing I find a pain in Mercator is debugging using the
trace file.
> Jonathan Showalter
> Omaha, NE
> |--------+----------------------->
> |        |          Anthony      |
> |        |          Beecher      |
> |        |          <anthonyb@BUY|
> |        |          .COM>        |
> |        |                       |
> |        |          01/10/2000   |
> |        |          01:14 PM     |
> |        |          Please       |
> |        |          respond to   |
> |        |          Anthony      |
> |        |          Beecher      |
> |        |                       |
> |--------+----------------------->
>   >-----------------------------------------------------------------
>   |
>   |       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   |       cc:     (bcc: Jonathan Showalter/MutualOMA)
>   |       Subject:     Re: EDI & ANY to XML translator - opinions
>   >-----------------------------------------------------------------
> I had this thought, too - since the Mercator pricing is per CPU, it
seems > you get more  and more for you money as the chips get faster
and faster.
> I believe you were addressing Gentran however. I can offer some tips
> more speed:
> 1. I/O seems to be a limitation, use a RAID array for disk speed.
> 2. I think the database is a bottleneck. I put the database on its
own > spearate physical disk and saw a nice improvement- less
contention with the > Gentran application's file activity.
> 3. If you don't use a distributed system, you might change the paths
from > network paths to local drive paths (i.e. change '\\Gentran' to
'e:\') (I > didn't benchmark this, but it seemed a little faster for
not running
> everything through network layer code)
> Anthony
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Glenn Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 10:41 AM
> Subject: Re: EDI & ANY to XML translator - opinions wanted
> Brian,
> You seem very knowledgable about this.  What would moving up to one
of > the new 733-750 MHz machines do.  Would that provide any relief
or would > it be negligible?  I am assuming of course that such a
machine is not
> being used now.  Let's just assume a 400 Mhz CPU.
> brian lehrhoff wrote:
> > Mentor and Director are the same - small files flow, large files
> > choke.  The only way to achieve throughput on the PC platform is
to > > feed a steady stream of small files.  I can't tell you the
optimum > > size for Director, but Mentor seems to top out at 700-800K
per flat
> > file.  The Unix flavor of Mentor does not have this "problem".
> >
> > Mercator would be a good choice for your solution, but keep in
mind > > that Mercator will read and validate your entire input file
> > writing.  Make sure your production machine has plenty of memory
> > (fastest) or disk (slower) for the work files.  Same caveat
prevails - > > smaller input files run faster.
> >
> > Outsourcing?  Glad to talk to you about it.  Also glad to give you
> > straight answer to your question :)
> >
> > Anthony Beecher wrote:
> >
> --
> Glenn Thompson
> Programmer/Analyst
> American Trouser, Inc.
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Brian Lehrhoff ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
EDI Consultant
DynamicWeb Enterprises
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