Since you mentioned large file translation and listed PaperFree as a possible option, I was hoping that one of our large file-size translation customers would post a reply.
The architecture of many translators requires that the entire file be taken in to memory to effect the translation.  The ability of the translator to function becomes directly correlated to the size of RAM, i.e.  the pre-translation file size, plus the post-translation file size combined have to be smaller than available RAM.  With small files the problem does not become apparent; however, larger files either require more RAM, or the file for translation has to be broken down into smaller, bite-sized pieces (no pun intended).  In X12 there is no requirement for your TP to inform you of the file size.  Accordingly you could be several hours into the translation of an inbound file before you discover you don't have enough RAM.  Ouch. 
PaperFree's WinMap was designed with large file size translations in mind.  PaperFree does not require that the whole file be brought into memory for translation as it translates the file one record at a time.  Hence we think of the translator as file-size independent.  The speed of translation is much more a factor of MHz speed.  To give you an idea we have customers we know of who have translated files of up to 130MB in size (in the range of 72 seconds to 584 seconds, depending on load and the use of cross-reference tables - but that's another story).  However, translation speed is a related topic.
Matt Jillings
PaperFree Systems
 -----Original Message-----
From: brian lehrhoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: EDI & ANY to XML translator - opinions wanted

Mentor and Director are the same - small files flow, large files choke.  The only way to achieve throughput on the PC platform is to feed a steady stream of small files.  I can't tell you the optimum size for Director, but Mentor seems to top out at 700-800K per flat file.  The Unix flavor of Mentor does not have this "problem".

Mercator would be a good choice for your solution, but keep in mind that Mercator will read and validate your entire input file before writing.  Make sure your production machine has plenty of memory (fastest) or disk (slower) for the work files.  Same caveat prevails - smaller input files run faster.

Outsourcing?  Glad to talk to you about it.  Also glad to give you a straight answer to your question :)

Anthony Beecher wrote:


We're currently using Gentran:Server NT and we have reached a limit with this tool.
Some of our incoming batches are too large (20 - 30 Megs) for this translator to handle efficiently.
It will translate them eventually, if they are 100% compliant, however if your batch has
a syntax error or standard violation, gentran can't effectively diagnose the error.
We find all of the database activity really slows down this translator as well.

We want to map from EDI to XML files. We want fast translation.

I am considering Mercator, which I have used before, and PaperFree, which some
of my co-workers have used.  I also got a tip to look at BlueStone.  I'd like to be able
to stay on NT.

Based on the parameters I've mentioned, does anyone have any suggestions?

Anthony Beecher
EDI Analyst

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Brian Lehrhoff ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
EDI Consultant
DynamicWeb Enterprises
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