Another approach would be rely on a product which
parses out the messages, but leaves the programmar
to do the actual SQL interface - that gives you a much
greater degree of control over the format of the SQL
and therefore over optmisation issues.

Shameless plug for the approach we use - Chameleon
generates ActiveX objects, or Delphi components and C++
classes from which the message data can be extracted easily
using the methods on the generated objects.  Then the user
can develop the SQL in the manner they prefer - the parser
itself is very efficient - parsing up to 100,000 messages a minite.


Eliot Muir, Technical Director                 iNTERFACEWARE
Voice 64-21-333068

Makers of iNTERFACEWARE Chameleon
   "Program to the iNTERFACE not the implementation"

-----Original Message-----
From:   Peter Olivola [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 11, 2000 12:56 PM
Subject:        Re: EDI & ANY to XML translator - opinions wanted

RE: EDI & ANY to XML translator - opinions wantedAd oc SQL means it was
written on the fly by the translator/mapper, not that it was generic.  Ad
hoc queries suffer from not having proper indexes.  Static or compiled
queries create indexes used to optimize execution.  Your description of the
problem matches your guru's description of the cause.  There is a very large
caveat with all this.  Sterling may be able to produce static/compiled SQL,
but the issue is closely tied to the number of records in the tables.  No
two SQL compliant databases operate the same in this respect.  Each has its
own break points and index optimization techniques which vary depending on
table sizes.  Even within SQL-Server, when you cross an optimization
technique threshold on table size performance goes in the toilet again until
the query is recompiled.  Considering the variability of inbound file sizes
it's going to be a real challenge for Sterling to solve this problem.

Short version:  You need to move to a different platform.  The Unix version
of Gentran Server and most other Unix based systems, or TLE or Mercator or
PaperFree or even Gentran Server for NT using something other an SQL-Server
(I hesitate to recommend Oracle, but that's a personal thing.) are worth
Peter Olivola ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anthony Beecher
  Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 11:27 AM
  Subject: Re: EDI & ANY to XML translator - opinions wanted

  >        -- a 450k files took (n) minutes to translate
  >        -- a 4500k file took 55 x (n) minutes to translate
  >        I can't answer why a file 10x larger took 55x more time to

  We use MS SQL server backend for Gentran. I had a MS SQL guru here tracing
Gentran's SQL statements. His comment was that gentran was using "Ad Hoc"
SQL statements which I took as meaning that they were using totally generic
SQL statements to support as many flavors of backend databases as possible.
The tradeoff is performance. It didn't seem that there was any optimization
to the database. It used very little if any indexing. Thus it seems that the
more documents per batch, the larger the database table for that batch and
thus efficiency goes way down as the table takes more time to move through.

  There was some rumor from Sterling that awaited version 3.0 would have an
MSSQL optimized version of the program, but I can't pin them down on this.
Some employees say yes, some say no.

  Interestingly, Bob, I sent them a 27 meg file, that defied error diagnosis
and said - "Here, you prove to me that you product can do the job for me".
They escalated it to Level 2 tech support. In a couple follow up calls, I
told the Level 1 Techs that I know what the compliance error is and I'll
tell them if they would like to know. Both the level one guys said "No, lets
let Level 2 figure it out - they need to address this shortcoming. You're
not the first one to complain about this."

  Very interesting.

  I had already gone your route and wrote a transaction segmenter, but I
noticed a small bug in my script that didn't always provide a perfectly
divided segment, so I decided not to invest any more energy patching a
sinking ship and simply to find another translator.

  Regarding Archive crashing - another capacity related issue, they want me
to install these debug symbol and diagnose the error for them, but I haven't
had time yet.  Different people in the company seem to admit or deny this
issue, so there's no consistent call on that play.

 << File: ATT00011.html >>

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