Brian Lehrhoff told Debbie Shaver that "[i]t's good form to always send
a 997 for any received document (unless, of course, the ISA flag is set
to zero), and to always expect a 997 if you send a document."

Brian is, of course, correct in that a 997 should be used to acknowledge
physical receipt of any functional group.

But as I told Patricia Markey, re: the TA1:

   ...the TA1 is returned only if the ISA14 (D.E. I13) Acknowledgment
   Requested indicator is 1.  This indicator is independent of, and
   has nothing to do with, whether 997s are returned; use of 997s is
   usually up to a trading partner agreement or convention.

If I weren't made of such stiff material, my feelings would be hurt
knowing Brian doesn't read my stuff in much depth.

William J. Kammerer
4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
+1 614 791-1600

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