Just to amplify William's response to Brian Lehroff:

>    ...the TA1 is returned only if the ISA14 (D.E. I13) Acknowledgment
>    Requested indicator is 1.  This indicator is independent of, and
>    has nothing to do with, whether 997s are returned; use of 997s is
>    usually up to a trading partner agreement or convention.

Let's be quite clear: ISA14 is defined for controlling the interchange
acknowldgement, be that by TA1, TA3 or 242 according to your trading
partner agreements.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with the generation
or otherwise of a 997.  The 997 is a functional group acknowledgement.

In the real world, you may get a data feed from your bank, from a number
of different VANs, and the interchange may have been opened or re-packaged
by a number of handlers before it arrives in your mailbox.  Acknowledging
the interchange may therefore have a completely different business meaning
than acknowledging the functional group - and may go to completely different
people: the interchange to a VAN or bank, the functional group to your
trading partner.

For those interested, there is a current DM in process to add a new
trailing element to the GS segment (it would end up as GS09) to carry
a functional group acknowledgement request flag.  This will worked on
by X12C at the Cincinnati meeting in October.

Jonathan Allen             | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Voice: 01404-823670
Barum Computer Consultants |                             | Fax:   01404-823671

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