I don't travel much via air ~ once a year.  This event further highlights
the gapping holes in security that "MUST" be addressed.  This morning on the
radio I heard mention of suggestions that "Air Marshals" should be present
on every flight.  I think this would be a good idea.

I also applaud the use of video conferences....

The issues are many and solutions are likely to be complex.  I don't want to
pretend to have answers.

Air travel is very scary because as a traveler you are putting so much trust
in other peoples hands.  You are trusting the airline and your fellow
passengers, most all of them are very trust worthy mind you, but the margin
of error is much less than what we are normally accustom to.  Fear is not
necessarily a bad thing, especially when it makes people more cautious and
less "self-absorbed".

I pray that the "general public" will be patient and understanding of
increased security measures that will be implemented and cause huge delays.
Heck I saw people fighting at the gas station last night.

This is indeed a sad, sad series of events....

Prayers do make a difference....

Rich Legge

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee LoFrisco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:10 AM
Subject: Air Travel in the Aftermath of the Terrorist Attack

My shock and disbelief is slowly turning to anger over this most
tragic event and the actions to follow.  Our lives in America
and possibly the world have changed forever.

My EDI consulting involves constant travel around the U.S.  Before
yesterday, I never gave a thought to hijacking as these were
always targeted for non-domestic flights.  Not anymore.  For
those of us who travel on airplanes for business, I ask you to
share your thoughts on this subject.

Are you afraid?
Will you travel this week or next?
Has this event changed your thoughts on domestic travel?

Lee LoFrisco

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