Well said Eric...

I fully agree with what you said regarding the terrorist.  Eliminating them
is the only way to get rid of them....but this as to be done without
touching the civil. Otherwise there will be no difference between us and

Of course, if the terrorists are backup by a country, then I think it is not
terrorist but war with all the implications...

Now I think that most of the countries will really cooperate against the
terrorists and they will find it more difficult to do barbarians acts like
this and then run away/hide like cowards.

Robert Richer
Montréal, Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Moeller [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 12:44 PM
> Subject:      Re: Air Travel in the Aftermath of the Terrorist Attack
> Well said, Rachel! (as always)
> I completely agree. I also wish to point out that this thread exemplifies
> one of the goals of the terrorist:  Americans questioning their safety and
> reacting.
> It's OK to be afraid, and it's OK to question, but our quality of life
> through Freedom must not be diminished AT ALL.  Increased security
> measures
> probably should and will be instituted, but delays and inconveniences need
> not be part of them in the current state of technology.  And, above all,
> we
> must realize that no amount of planning and securing will make us
> invincible.
> The key is in the response.  First, we must continue our way of life in
> spite of our fear.  To opt out of flying will show that the act was
> effective.  What about next time when 10 city buses are hi-jacked and
> exploded?  Or when 20 rifleman on different overpasses across the country
> start shooting up morning commuters?  Will you give up the bus, and the
> car?
> And finally not leave your home at all?  I apologize for the graphic
> examples, but in my years as a Team Leader in the US Army Bomb Squad I
> learned that the only effective way to deal with a terrorist, is to
> eliminate the terrorist.  All else is just reaction.
> Which brings me to my second point about response: the criminals must be
> found and dealt with by whatever means available.  Lobbing cruise missiles
> into Afghanistan is not going to cut it this time.  We can only truly win
> if
> we demonstrate that attacks upon the U.S. and her allies will result in
> swift, deadly punishment, and that the act will have no effect on our way
> of
> life to begin with.
> Thanks for listening!
> Eric Moeller
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rachel Foerster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:08 AM
> Subject: Re: Air Travel in the Aftermath of the Terrorist Attack
> To be afraid is to let the barbarians win!
> Yes, I will travel this week, the next, and whenever my clients need me to
> be there to help.
> No, my thoughts on domestic travel have not changed....it was, is, and
> continues to be far safer than our daily automobile commute.
> Will the routine of the past for air travel change? Of course! It should!
> We
> will adjust accordingly - but never, never, never give up our freedom as
> citizens of a democratic country and a free world!
> Rachel Foerster
> Principal
> Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
> Professionals in EDI & Electronic Commerce
> 39432 North Avenue
> Beach Park, IL 60099
> Phone: 847-872-8070
> Fax: 847-872-6860
> http://www.rfa-edi.com <http://www.rfa-edi.com>
> My shock and disbelief is slowly turning to anger over this most
> tragic event and the actions to follow.  Our lives in America
> and possibly the world have changed forever.
> My EDI consulting involves constant travel around the U.S.  Before
> yesterday, I never gave a thought to hijacking as these were
> always targeted for non-domestic flights.  Not anymore.  For
> those of us who travel on airplanes for business, I ask you to
> share your thoughts on this subject.
> Are you afraid?
> Will you travel this week or next?
> Has this event changed your thoughts on domestic travel?
> Lee LoFrisco
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