W8UR (Mike S) wrote:

"DO NOT forward spam to a list. Most certainly DO NOT - NEVER, EVER - buy
a product advertised via spam. To do so is the act of a naif, as it only
encourages more spam. I'm trying to think of any reasonable criteria by
which you shouldn't be immediately dispelled from the list for spamming
(which you have in fact done), and can't. I've a mind to file a report
with your ISP for violation of their TOS/AUP.  Sorry if this seems harsh,
but spam in any form cannot be tolerated."
I included a caveat with my post, so yes, that seems excessively harsh,
but please do go ahead and file your report with my ISP.  Maybe they'll
cut down on the amount of spam they forward to me.

Although I do not embrace spamming activities, keep in mind that many
spammers are legitimate businesses that find the Internet a convenient
method of advertising their wares.

Because many Elecrafters have a fondness(?) and a close association with
toroid winding, I see nothing wrong with passing the information along to
the group.

If you don't like it, just bite your tongue and use the delete key.

As Abraham Lincoln said, "You can please some of the people some of the

73, de Earl, K6SE
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