The question of 1 Hz accuracy can get multiplied a lot in VHF work.

If one is talking about HF, it is hard to see the need.  Personally, I
*LIKE* the idea of being spot on.  It's not a technological justification,
but one I might spend a moderate sum to nail.  If I was doing VHF or UHF
work, I would want it to get the combination of equipment very close.

If you are listening to HF SSB and expecting signals to be spot on kilohertz
boundaries, there are still many signals out there on equipment over a
quarter century old.  I helped an older gentleman with a 160 meter antenna
problem, and he included a station photo with an email. I was surprised to
see that he is STILL using a World War II ARC-5 transmitter as his main
transmitter on 160.  He uses an old National NC183 as his receiver at MF.
 AND, he has some recent contest first place in section finishes on 160 to
prove that it works.

This is perhaps the extreme, but many hams have and use very serviceable
older analog rigs without the frequency accuracy, and you will not find them
at kilohertz boundaries with 1 Hz accuracy.  I would only advise to have a
REASON for the accuracy before you start spending the money, even if that
reason is just that you WANT to be dead on a kilohertz boundary when you
transmit.  Nobody is going to throw you off the air because you are 10 Hz

As the old gentleman proves quite adequately, it ain't the STUFF, it's what
you DO, that is all the fun.

That said, IS there a GPS governed 10 Mhz source to be had out there for
something less than a third world national debt?

73, Guy.

On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 10:02 AM, <> wrote:

> So if I understand correctly this soon to be option is basically
> constantly adjusting the frequency of the K3 to be correct.
> Or in other words a constant adjustment to the reference oscillator.
> This could be a real nice to have, as I have been re-adjusting (zero
> beating to WWV) to try and tune my K3 to be spot on.  The reason I have
> been doing this is that I was thinking I was off frequency but I think
> that many radio's out there are off.
> Thanks, now I need even more money.
> Don
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