> However, communication in the opposite direction is nonexistent; 
> that is, following the procedure on page 14 to issue the Test 
> Message from the K2 causes no response on Hyperterminal. 

If you're connecting to your computer via a serial-to-USB adapter, I've
found from comments I've read around the Web that there is a wide range of
performance of these devices, from inoperative to just fine.

I went to BestBuy and bought whatever the only brand was they had on the
shelf and it was kinda like what you're seeing -- responses from the radio
were garbled, truncated, or non-existent. I took that one back and stole one
from another piece of equipment I had that wasn't using it and now it works
fine. There's no brand name on it, but the part number is GUC232A.

This may or may not be your problem but I just wanted to toss it out just in

K1 #1966
K2/100 #4941

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