
Yes, there is a special set of 4 filters labeled RTTY filters in the K2 -
they can be turned on and off via the menu.  These 4 filters are independent
of the settings used for the other modes (CW and SSB).  The RTTY filter set
also allows independent adjustment of the menu SSBC parameter - it would
normally be set to 1-1 for the best IMD performance on transmit.

Your BFO range may limit the filter bandwidth that you can achieve should
you attempt to use a narrow filter aligned at a high tone because the BFO
range is not adequate to handle it.  You will be able to adjust one sideband
or the other as a narrow filter, but normally not both, so you may have to
manipulate the sideband reversal capability of your RTTY hardware or
software to adjust for this situation.

Adjusting the filters to demodulate tones below 1kHz is usually not a
problem (as is th ecase for most soundcard data modes), but if you attempt
to demodulate the RTTY high tones 2175 and 2225 Hz in a narrow filter, you
can expect to run out of range.


> -----Original Message-----
> While chasing 3Y0X on the upper bands I realized those
> bands may no be doing as well as the middle and lower
> bands and especially on RTTY receive.  As the K2 is
> only capable of doing RTTY with AFSK I'm presuming LSB
> mode would be used like other rigs.  The received RTTY
> in MMTTY on the K2 looks much more ragged and seems
> less copyable than with my IC-746Pro.  Is there a
> special filter setting for RTTY?
> Now to find some time to work on it and make a great
> rig even better.  There is just too many things do and
> not enough time to do them when you are retired.  -;)
> Thanks and have a great day!!
> Jim, AB0UK

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