Thanks to all who responded.

Something tells me that I should have known the Tesla would not produce the
kind of noise the KNB2 is designed to handle - someone earlier had suggested
a buzzer, and my Tesla _buzzes_ like mad - thought it would be perfect.  

Maybe I should just be thankful that I live in a relatively quiet location.

Unfortunately I can't get my car close enough to the K2 or its antenna to
use it as a source.  Maybe I'll move the K2 outside when its a bit warmer -
snowing right now (perfect for Frostfest tomorrow).

Anyway, the DSP sure clobbered the Tesla, so that works great.

Thanks again, es 72/73

Tom, KJ3D

PS - Ron, I fondly remember the days when high school and college science
fairs were full of 8 foot tall Teslas and Van de Graaff generators with 2
foot domes - and a lot of homebrew rock-bound cw rigs - bet you do to.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron D'Eau Claire

As an aside, it is fortunate for me that the sort of noise produced by a
Tesla Coil is indistinguishable from common QRN. Many years ago I fired up
my prototype 8-foot tall Tesla Coil, excited by a spark gap wired to the A-C
mains, and wiped out "I Love Lucy" on TV's for blocks around. My neighbors
knew all about the "Ham Kid" in area but they didn't equate a TV screen
filled with "snow" with the sort of thing they were used to seeing from my
QTH, nor did I feel compelled to enlighten them. 


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