Keith, on the Force 12 verticals, which are true half wave (loaded) 

They provide a feedline support for about 18 inches or so out from the 
center.  After that, the coax can simply go to earth to the rig, or be 
supported for a greater distance.  Does not make that much difference in my 
experiments at 100 watts to 200 watts.  Ideally, yes, a feeder should come 
off at right angles to either a horizontal dipole or a vertical dipole, but 
in practice few horizontal dipoles have a perfect right angle feeder 
arrangement for the entire distance where it might have an effect. 
Likewise, what you can do in practice with the Force 12 verticals is 
whatever works in your installation.  Don't be dissuaded just by such a 
concern.  They are efficient and easy to use antennas.  Put it up in 5 to 10 
minutes and you are on the air.  You  could even take it down after every 
operating session it is so easy.  Especially good for vacations and covenant 
restricted hams.


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