It seems to me that the K2 does everything I want it to do from a feature and 
performance point of view - where it's lacking, as may people have said,  is in 
user ergonomics. There are just too many functions that are squeezed into the 
limited front panel to make it very easy to use. While I haven't yet hooked my 
K2 to a computer, it looks like a number of the programs that work with the K2 
effectively expand the front panel with more "push buttons" and controls. But 
since I don't want to have to haul a laptop with me when I travel with my K2, 
what I would like is not another bigger (and more expensive) K2+ or K3 but a 
simple, and small front panel extension box... perhaps something about the size 
of a KX-1. This box would have separate push buttons for each XTAL and DSP 
filter and for each of the  tuning rates - that way I can just press a button 
and not have to cycle around all of the different choices to get to the one 
that I want. And, each button would have a built in L!
 ED that would light to indicate which button I pushed so that the choice is 
immediately obvious. This front panel extension box could also have a number of 
buttons for other functions that now require several menu steps, such as 
turning the DSP noise filter on and off, displaying the clock, etc. It can also 
have separate LED indicators to indicate when the RIT is on, when the XIT is 
on, etc. The box wouldn't duplicate any of the functions that are now directly 
available on the K2 front panel but would make it much easier to get to the 
frequently used functions that require multiple pushes of a button or multiple 

The nice thing about such a front panel extension, besides making the K2 much 
more user friendly, and being small and light enough to take along, is that it 
could be easily implemented with a small processor that interfaces to the K2 
via the remote K2 commands through the KIO2. 

So, would you buy such a front panel extension? How much would this go toward 
satisfying your desire for a K2+ or a K3, and how much would you be willing to 
pay for it?


P.S. I sent this idea to Wayne and Eric several months ago.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Fred (FL)
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 3:13 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] wherefore art thou, K3?

I feel, all Elecraft needs to consider - is creating
a 2007 version of the K2, updated with 2006
technology, 2006 microelectronics, better display,
and a few bells and whistles to play with.

What the HOO ---- bigger knobs, larger front
panel to boot.  

Call it the K2+ or K2MKII or K207 .... IMHO many
new and previous K2 owners would buy it.  Consider
how many auto owners upgrade to buy the latest
VERSION of their favorite auto.  Happens every day.
Unfortunately, in the U.S. auto industry - NEW
MODELS may contain less features, and less
quality. Ala no chrome, no metal bumpers, no
HP, no 8 cylinders, no oil pressure ....

If Elecraft told me I could buy the K2+ or K207
- why wouldn't I want one?

And this would give the Elecraft principals - more
memory to play around in, and more technology to
beef up the performance even more.  Its a win,


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