Hi Kevin:

Another fun week.  At least I was able to get on the air a number of
times.  Plus today: I'd been searching for W9C and finally got them on 40

Sunday morning, I was about 10 feet away when you worked Bryan (W0ESE), the operator at W9C. UNfortunately, I didn't know you'd worked us until I checked the logs about 10 minutes later! You should have had him call me or at least said "HI"...! Heheh!

We finished with just under 300 Q's for the 24 hours.

We did NOT operate CW the entire time. In fact, about 60% of our operation this time was on SSB... actually the FIRST time we've really had any(!) participation from our fone ops for ANY of our Special Event operations... we REALLY pushed for participation from ALL of our Club members this time... and it worked, BUT it also meant that the CW ops didn't get as much decent operating time... regardless, it was still VERY worthwhile having the fone ops joining us for this activity. I'm just sorry we missed ANYONE.

We made a BUNCH of Qs on 80M, but apparently not when you were listening... sorry we missed you there.

Operations ended at 2000Z Sunday... took us about 10 minutes to drop the dipole on the roof of the church where we were operating (in 19 degree temps) and another HOUR to disassembly the vertical which (fortunately) was at ground level. I'd had only 2 hours of sleep (1000Z-1200Z Sunday morning), so I opted not to try to QNI ECNs... sorry.



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