Good Evening,
I hope you have all recovered from Thanksgiving ;) I have lost track of the number of times it has snowed. I think its at six now but today's is the only one which has lasted for more than a few hours. Not much though, about an inch. The sun was out but it did not warm much of anything. Sam and I stayed inside after I collected enough wood for the next few days. I was working on some classes for the local ARES group. Both a few I am going to teach and a few I took to stay certified. FEMA IS-100, 200, 700, and 800A to be exact. I feel like I am back in college ;) Only these classes are a lot more boring than ECE! We have been hit by a solar wind but I am still hearing plenty of folks on 20 and 40 meters. They seem to be having fun in the contest. Since it was only background 'music' I did not pay attention to who was on the air or where they were from. It is just nice to hear the sound of CW in the background as I cook and clean and study. I did get a coat of paint on my new walls but I was lead astray by my classes. I am close to moving my gear but I am caught up in design work at the same time. Simply because I am not in my new work area doesn't mean I can't design some new gadget. I am not sure if this contest will be over by net time. Let me go check ... ah, here is the skinny: 2006 CQWW CW Contest: 0000 UTC, November 25 through 2359 UTC, November 26. Looks like they'll leave the air just as I start calling CQ. How convenient ;) So if you are not exhausted from working 24 hours straight please drop in on us. You can nap later :) The sunspot number has been at zero for a few days but the solar wind keeps recharging the ionosphere. All in all things work out pretty well.

     Please join us:
Monday 0000z (Sunday 4 PM PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7 PM PST)  7045 kHz

    Kevin.  KD5ONS
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