Good Evening,
I think Spring is back here in Oregon. I saw the sun a few times and today a light jacket was all that was necessary to go walking. Some of the daffodils had had their stems exploded by freezing so there are now quite a batch dusting the house with pollen. Good thing I am not too allergic to them. Hopefully Pat will enjoy her favorite flower and the smell they make. The sun has gone eleven days without a spot. This is the longest blank spell since the last solar minimum in 1996. This may mean we are at the very bottom now; there is nowhere to go but up. We can have thoughts of casting lines to mount our ten meter vertical antennas. But do not get too anxious, another couple of years will have to pass before that band will open consistently. On another list I read of a rumor of lack of RF capability from Oregon. Luckily I've never noticed such being the case. I advised them to check their antennas since I've recorded nary a skunk on 40 meters since we started ECN/40. ECN/20 has come close but even that band has not drawn a blank. Maybe those folks live close to the famed Oregon Vortex :) I was busy again this week but did have a chance to try twenty meters at least twice. It was open once and the second time it was not as happy. The true test will come tomorrow evening when we call across the continent and see what occurs. I'll be using my newly recovered antenna in its inverted V configuration. I was given great signal reports last week; some folks mentioned they had never heard me as well or as strong. The contact which shocked me was Fred, K6DGW. He sounded like he was sending 100 watts from my driveway! He was one reason I oriented my V to aim in his direction. I wanted to make sure I could work the West Coast direct instead of requiring a relay station.
   Enough already, I have a movie to watch and some soldering to do :)

    Please join us:

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7 PM PDT)  7045 kHz

        Kevin.  KD5ONS
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