Good Evening,
Spring has finally arrived in Oregon. In the matter of just a few days the sun came out and the temperatures rose into the 70s. The daffodils which had been slowly growing opened in the matter of a few hours. Half of the thousand plus flowers have now created a yellow beacon for the passing aircraft. The sun made working on my friend's deck quite pleasant for most of the week but by Friday it was getting downright hot. Luckily we were in the shade for most of that day. The inspector will come one day next week and then we get to sheet it. Next the sunroom will cover that and our work is done. I did have a chance to get on the air a few times during the week and found both twenty and forty meters working pretty well. Tomorrow we get to test the sun's effects again. There are no sunspots but the opening in the corona has given the ionosphere a little shaking so we may have QSB on both bands. QRN? Probably since the spring storms are starting. Today we had quite a downpour for about an hour but the sun was shining as it set. If it had not been raining so much I would have burned more of the brush pile. I don't know when I will be able to get to that because I'll be back at work for the next few months. Seems like we won the second level SBIR grant so there will be more money. Now those circuit boards I designed will be put to the test. Hopefully I can work out a few more revisions to make the systems smaller and lighter.
   I hope to work you all tomorrow.  Good luck!

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Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7 PM PDT)  7045 kHz

       Kevin.  KD5ONS
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