Good Evening,
The seasons are indeed changing. They have gone from grouse calling in the afternoon to saw whet owls calling at night. As the owls file away I keep wondering how such a small bird can make such a loud sound. Then I think of a cricket's stridulations created by rubbing body parts together. Another odd call we have up here is the veery; it creates a tone which rises and falls in tone simultaneously. This reminds me of a passage in Copeland's "Appalachian Spring". Where he uses multiple instruments to create the same tonal changes the veery uses one syrinx. I am confused about how they can do that. I just finished tuning the front end of a new transceiver. It now works on receive for both CW and SSB. Next I get to tune the transmit section for best output. However, while listening to the local oscillator and the receive section I had a chance to check both 80 and 40 meters. I know 40 is working fairly well because there is a contest on at this time. They helped me tune the first IF transformer. Then I moved to SSB and found a group of folks chatting. They helped me set the BFO for best tone. I was listening to 20 meters early today while working on my computer. Seems like both bands are working. At the ARES meeting on Tuesday evening one member stated the bands were in terrible shape. I had to differ with him because I had been having a great time working folks on the other side of the world. Then I asked him the crucial question, "What mode are you using?" He looked at me funny and said, "SSB, of course!" I demurred in stating the obvious; discretion is often the better part of valor. This soul is the one who runs the ARES Field Day operation. They try to make as many points as possible without getting on the air. Luckily I've found some other folks to work with to get on the air and make contacts from the field. I'll not be working from an EOC but I won't have their S8 noise floor either ;) We are going to have fun and make contacts with other folks who are out to have a good time.


1) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
2) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP <relay> help)

   Please join us:

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7 PM PDT)  7045 kHz

        Kevin.  KD5ONS
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