Good Evening,
Another blur of a week. It did not help I was doing volunteer work nor did it help that I was not feeling at all well. Monday night after I got home from work I started running a fever and I was pretty hazy by the time I drove myself to bed at 0 dark thirty. Tuesday morning I think I got on the air but could not swear on it in a court of law. Luckily it has passed. By Friday morning I was starting to feel a little better and today I felt a lot better. That was a good thing because I had a five hour class to teach which always takes its toll. I got home after the ECOM class, ate, and found my bed. So, currently, I am doing laundry and dishes because tomorrow will be once again quite packed. Another class with the ARES group but I am not the instructor. I'll simply be setting up the gear and running it for a D-Star test. I'll leave the session early so I can get home in time for the nets though. Hopefully the solar stream expected to hit tomorrow will not cause too much havoc on the bands. I realize it may get tough to copy so I will call from East to West to help work the weaker stations first. I've put the three notes on the end of the list. I will also remind you to go to for a few details on ECN. If there is ever time in my life I will work on the site to update the lists and give some more facts about the nets. Did anyone come up with the cloning machine I requested this week? Write to me off the list please :) On another note: Tom and I will not be on the nets next week. Both of us are going to a town in Missouri to attend a hamfest. OzarkCon to be exact. I will get to meet a few folks, listen to some music, and have a good time. The only thing which would make it better would be to take Pat so she could show off her singing and clogging ability. If that were possible no would realize I was in attendance :) However, that is not possible; I just wish... But, the salient point is there will be no NCS for the nets. If there is anyone who would like to volunteer for the task please email me. It is not too tough; simply get on the air and run through the preamble and call for stations. The scripts are on the web site I have listed above. Keep notes on who you worked and send them to me. I'll write the report. If you want to do that too it's fine by me. My only request is to keep it friendly and informal. Tom and I will be back for the next weekend. This is my first trip since I lost Pat so I am looking forward to it (with a little trepidation). My nephew has agreed to come up to keep the house warm and Sam fed. Hopefully he will have a good time up here. His next task is to help me work on the house this summer. It will be good for both of us!


1) Call by geographic area (East, All)
2) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
3) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP <relay> help)

   Please join us:

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7 PM PDT)  7045 kHz

      Kevin.  KD5ONS
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