Open and honest answers served on a plate of humble pie.? In my case it was 
usually a tutorial on lessons learned.? The ability to keep clients updated on 
a current basis has a lot to do with the size of the organization. I had a 
staff that could keep up and I usually only had one customer to deal with, 
making it my job to be reporting on a daily basis. I guess I had a vision of 
what to expect, and haven't been too disturbed by the process. I also believe 
that Aptos may modify the plan for the next roll-out. I'd fully understand. 
What have I seen that I still feel good about -
1. I got to order a hot item before getting second best because I had a chance 
to see it going to press.
2. I didn't find out about K3 after spending a lot on next best last month.
3. My faith in Elecraft never waivered and is soon to be rewarded.
4. Slow reports but no BS. I have received timely notices via e-mail - without 
"checking up". I think you may all see a two week notice.
5. I feel good that I'll get a quality piece of hardware with no excuses or 
recalls with apologies. Anyone bought a $46,000 car lately?


-----Original Message-----
From: Thom LaCosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 8:52 am
Subject: Re: [Elecraft_K3] Re: We're dieing out here... Doesn't anyone have one 

At 11:40 AM 10/31/2007, you wrote:
>I'm not excusing what's going on, but being from a manufacturing 
>background - the most common cause of delays is having a problem 
>with a supplier (just like we're experiencing) and being reluctant 
>to hand out any more promises and guesses until having solid info 
>from he supplier that can be broadcast. In this case hollow promises 
>based on bad info is a lot more harmful than a simple "we have a 
>problem and we're not ready to declare a resolve".

Based on your did your operation handle this type 
of problem? Did you give hopeful status reports, try to mask the 
problem, or simply remain mum?

Thom k3hrn 


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