if there was EVER a time to cut a reputable manufacture some slack, now is the 
time to do so.  You have all  been told honestly what the manufacturing 
problems are and what is being done to overcome them.
Take heart that you will get a great radio, and if something does not work, 
they will do a Yomans job to make it right.
Beside, how would you like to be in the position of buying a brand new radio 
line, only to have some serious problems arrise, and the manufacture does very 
little to fix them?
I won't name the manufactures name but I bought such a transceiver, and a whole 
lot of us are trying valiently, but nearly innefectively, to get them to live 
up to their advertized claims for this radio.
I am seriouly looking at the Elecraft K3 now, and when some of you start 
posting reports about its performance, I know this group will be truthful, and 
Tom - AB5ZJ

12:51:47 -0700Subject: Re: [Elecraft_K3] Re: We're dieing out here... Doesn't 
anyone have one yet???

On 31 Oct 2007 at 15:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:>> Anyone bought a $46,000 car 
lately?What the heck has that got to do with it??But anyway, Yes! I ordered my 
car from Japan, built to my specifications.It was delivered to my door, direct 
from Japan, 3 & 1/2 weeks later.What does that have to do with Aptos 
delivery/quality control/production problems???-Dave GKK7SS 

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