Joe has again hit the nail on the head. The K3 is a very high 
quality transceiver. It is not test equipment. You want test 
equipment, you buy test equipment. I'm an EE and I've been a ham 
for 53 years. I find nearly all elements of the K3 user interface 
quite satisfactory, including the S-meter. I am, however, looking 
for additional control of the 2nd RX, and I expect to see that over 
the next few months. 

I am also a huge fan of Anderson Power Pole connectors -- beginning 
in 2004 when I bought my first K2, I've gradually rewired all my 
equipment that runs on low voltage DC to use them. Everything from 
laptops, talkies, Ethernet routers, telephones, etc. and all my 
radio gear. They are reasonably priced (at least in North America), 
easy to wire, and quite reliable. 


Jim K9YC

On Thu, 13 Nov 2008 10:39:00 -0500, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

>> Also....why is one person calling the S-Meter 

>Because some people do not understand the difference between an 
>amateur transceiver and a $10,000 piece laboratory test equipment. 
>The K3's S-meter circuit is derived form the IF DSP and provides 
>a very accurate scale in S-unit (5 dB) steps.  It does not 
>provide an analog voltage with infinite resolution.  

>> and the power connector "junk" that cannot be fixed?

>The power connector is an Anderson PowerPole and some people 
>(unfairly) object to the use PowerPole connectors. 

>In "liberal arts" terms, there are always those who expect a 
>Ferrari or Maserati for the same price as a Chevrolet Cobalt. 

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