Bill W4ZV wrote:
> Someone else asked about the filter plots on the Elecraft and Inrad
> websites.  I believe all of these were made by George W2VJN before  
> he sold
> Inrad to N5KO and AG9A.  I hope Elecraft or Inrad might ask George  
> to graph
> the missing filters (all 5-pole and some 8-pole) eventually  
> (including the
> yet to be introduced variable bandwidth filters).  If George cannot  
> do it
> perhaps Jack K8ZOA could do this.
> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
> I asked the question about the filter plots. I have written a  
> program, with Jack's considerable help, that will allow a K3 to self- 
> characterize it's filters. As each filter is characterized the data  
> set can be saved by the user and a simple plot drawn by the program.  
> All the user needs is a stable, clean signal source to inject into  
> the K3 antenna port. An advantage of this approach over the INRAD/ 
> Elecraft plots is they are generated while the crystal filter is  
> installed in the user's K3, not in a test jig in a laboratory.

The program is called K3 Filter Tools and can be downloaded free from:

Mike, KS7D
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