I would like to still see some kind of APF filter to peak up weak cw, 
I'm still always
looking for more volume or gain against the noise floor. For me its hard 
to compare
something from a couple of months ago to what I have now in firmware but 
for the
impressions or notes taken back with other firmware set ups, with 
varying band
conditions I really can't tell unless you had two radios side by side to 
compare in
real time both on the same antenna at the same time with no a/b switching.

Out of 4 cw attempts at my daily cw fix only one had enough level of 
volume s/n that
was a comfortable arm chair copy, another fellow K3 owner at a camp 
ground in Mo.

I would go for the dual firmware one for CW and the other for SSB also, 
3.27 does well
on SSB with the audio response, so far I like it a lot.


Some times you can't satisfy all the people all the time with one  
> road.

> Truer words were never spoken!
> I'm a full time CW operator (well, 99.9% CW, 0.1% digital modes.)  I  
> played with the pre-3.25 NR quite a bit and I was never able to find a  
> setting that made a CW signal easier to copy, so I never actually used  
> it in a QSO.  Post-3.25, I find I'm now using it more often than not.  
> My preference would be for progress to continue in the 3.25/3.27  
> direction.  Of course, ideally they'll come up with a way to let each  
> operator use what works best for them.
> 73
> --
> Joe KB8AP
> On Aug 27, 2009, at 11:18 AM, The Smiths wrote:
>> It's become obvious to me that the most of the full time CW ops on  
>> the reflector were very happy with the fast responding, instant  
>> changing, very aggressive filters on the Pre 3.25 NR. So long as you  
>> didn't choose a filter that was too aggressive for your needs, I  
>> never found that I cut out any CW tones.
>> As matter of fact, I found that with the old NR I was able to  
>> actually Enhance CW tones.  I DO NOT find this to be the case with  
>> either 3.25, or 3.27.  Without an Audio peak filter on the K3, I  
>> much prefer what I had previously. As a late night, high QRM 30meter  
>> DXer I find that I enjoyed the ability to switch between filter  
>> groups and hear the results instantaneously.  Unlike SSB where you  
>> can wait that extra second, on CW, every dit and dah counts.
>> Instead of trying to find a single NR DSP that would satisfy both  
>> groups, which seems near impossible to do. Wouldn't it be best to  
>> implement some way to have the OLD NR on CW mode, and then perhaps  
>> something like 3.25 or 3.27 on SSB mode?  This way the CW guys, like  
>> myself, can enjoy the serious filter ability of the old NR, and the  
>> SSB guys can enjoy the "pipeless" artifacts when using NR in SSB mode.
>> Some times you can't satisfy all the people all the time with one  
>> road.  But you can send them in different directions and try to help  
>> them both at the same time.
>> N6MQL
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