On Aug 9, 2007, at 6:41 , Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

In any case, simple Range N is exactly like having N votes to cast, in an Approval election, and the one with the most votes wins. There is nothing in this about "utilities" or "ratings."

It happens, however, that you can think about Range that way if you want. It can be used to maximize social utility, and it does a pretty good job even if most voters vote the extremes.

Maximizing social utility refers to giving sincere utilities in the ballots. You seem to be recommending the voters to primarily do so, and in addition to that accept the Approval style voting as a secondary less good option. With this I think we are back in the original claim that Range may create a mess if some voters vote sincerely (and maybe are guided to do so) and some strategically.


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