> Better javascript interop to allow the community to provide the missing 
> web APIs and effect managers (task ports have been mooted on several 
> occasions)

I'd much rather have the web APIs available natively within Elm, so that 
javascript interops are minimal/unnecessary. 

On Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 7:08:08 PM UTC-4, Oliver Searle-Barnes 
> I've been using Elm for about 10 months now and have had an app in 
> production for the last 2, I share the general feeling of this thread. 
> I've addressed Evan directly here because it's impossible not to when 
> discussing these topics, I hope my thoughts are taken as sincere and full 
> of respect.
> Currently under development are: Elm the language, Elm the web platform 
> APIs, Elm tooling and effect managers. Evan is an absolute hero for taking 
> on the challenge to reimagine and build all of these different aspects of 
> web development and his success to date has inspired a lot of enthusiasm in 
> this fledgling community. The challenge can not be overstated though, this 
> is a gigantic undertaking, and it currently feels like too much for a 
> single individual. 
> It seems clear that the community has many experienced and talented 
> developers within it's ranks. They've all bought into Evan's vision and I 
> believe would be willing to go to great lengths in support of it. While I 
> can understand that Evan wants to retain control over what represents his 
> gold standard there does seem to be an opportunity to help other developers 
> help Evan. At a practical level I see two parts to this:
> 1) Better javascript interop to allow the community to provide the missing 
> web APIs and effect managers (task ports have been mooted on several 
> occasions)
> 2) A development process that encourages the use of packages from the 
> wider community _before_ they've had sufficient design attention and 
> matured to the point where they may be considered gold standard. The 
> exceptionally high quality of the solutions that Evan puts out is a 
> destination that we all aspire to. Getting there may take a while though, 
> in the mean time people are building apps and having to settle with their 
> own half baked solutions which are difficult to share with the community. 
> This situation is particularly grevious because the time spent building 
> these half baked solutions takes time away from focusing on a single aspect 
> that they could develop to a higher standard and share with the community. 
> As an engineer it's hard to see this process as efficient and optimal. 
> I don't want to be too prescriptive here but one suggestion might be to 
> introduce the concept of a quality or status metric for each package e.g. 
> exploratory, draft, candidate, ready (those were chosen purely for 
> illustrative purposes). This would allow the community to benefit from each 
> other's work without requiring any compromise in standards. Versus forcing 
> every team to reimplement the same things with ports this seems like a 
> distinct improvement (IMHO). Potentially packages could even be kept in an 
> entirely different package site until they'd graduated to 
> http://package.elm-lang.org/. (this would allow beginners to be kept in a 
> safer environment until they needed to reach into the community packages)
> Hopefully my thoughts will be taken in the postive light that they're 
> intended, I'm a huge fan of Elm and would love to see it go from strength 
> to strength. As the opportunity doesn't often present itself I'd like to 
> extend a huge thankyou to Evan for all the great work you've been putting 
> in!

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