First, I'm going to call out the air of ungratefulness and animosity in 
this thread. Evan is giving you software for free, and it's software that's 
good enough that you invest your time into writing it and commenting about 
it. You should not expect Elm to move at the same pace as Angular (backed 
by Google) or React (backed by Facebook). Calling out that you want 
something done faster or differently, when you are not a financial backer 
or core contributor (to be fair, there aren't any of those besides Evan), 
comes off as extremely petulant.

Second, as for elm-community hosting the "greylisted" packages. I'm a core 
member of elm-community, although obviously I don't speak for the group and 
opinions are subject to change. I think that elm-community is doing a good 
job of providing high-quality packages, which largely means they are 100% 
Elm and have the reliability and free distribution that comes from that. 
Almost all of our packages are in maintenance mode, stewarded for people 
who left the community but who wrote useful packages that need to keep pace 
with language version bumps (oh hello original thread topic). With a small 
number of exceptions, most of our packages aren't actively developed.

Third, regardless of who hosts the greylist, there are other problems. When 
Evan removed the old graphics library from core and spun it off as a 
separate package, he inadvertently added or multiple 
<> runtime 
<> errors 
<> (or perhaps the surfaced 
later). This was a well-used library with native code, meant to not change 
as it was extracted, by Elm's creator, and runtime errors still happened. 
It is very easy to break everything that makes Elm nice with native code. 
Using ports means that you're writing more-or-less normal JavaScript, and 
it's yours to debug, lint, and fit to your needs, rather than be stuck on a 
broken library. The open source dream of a project with 100 stars and 
recent commits is appealing, but what happens during the bring-up when no 
such project exists? What happens if it never does? What happens if 
multiple projects look good?

Fourth, web components were briefly mentioned. Richard gave a talk on these 
<> last year and it seems like 
everything you need already works.

Fifth and finally, to say something positive. (*If you're skimming, please 
read this part.*) The greylist is built on the idea that the best way to 
help is by writing code. Instead, let me suggest a collection of markdown 
documents that research a particular proposed addition and say why it would 
be useful. This is like doing the lit review before getting to work, and 
will be helpful to both Evan, anyone pressing ahead with the greylist, any 
anyone on the list confused as to what a task port is (for example). I 
think these documents should, for a topic X, define X, say why X is useful, 
describe the best way(s) to do X in Elm today, describe how other ML-family 
and JS-ecosystem languages do X, and finally include a brief, "first draft" 
of an interface or API for X in Elm. I think this will work well for "web 
platform" things (audio playback, binary data) much better than language 
features (type classes).

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