Off and on I've been working on an unattended build system for the
hostmot2 firmware images.  I think this is now at the point where it
would be useful for others to test my work.

If you have a hostmot2 system that can (even temporarily) run the
development version of emc2, then you can help by testing the firmware
I have built and letting me know whether it works as expected.

Links to the firmware images, broken down by card, are on my blog:

Here's how to help:

Download the right firmware-bin tar file for your card.  For each
firmware image you want to test, copy it to /lib/firmware/.  Make sure
you use a name or directory that is different from the standard firmware
files, so that you don't break your existing configurations.

Modify your .hal file to specify the testing firmware, then run the
current development version of emc (versions older than about December
13 will not run at all with these firmwares)

If everything seems OK, then simply drop us a note to that effect.  If
something is wrong, then your task is harder.  Enable the debugging
flags in the 'loadrt hostmot2' line, and send a full dmesg.  If the
driver loads but behaves badly, try to describe the behavior as best you

While you're at it, take a look at the .PIN file and see whether
everything there looks OK.

I've done minimal testing of 5i20 and 7i43-400, but don't have any other
cards to try.

With the "how you can help" out of the way, I'll try to answer the "why"
question.  The biggest reason is that someday there will be an occasion
where we want to modify and build our own hostmot2 firmwares.  It also
satisfies my personal preference for automated builds instead of
attended or interactive builds.

The last question is probably "how can I build it".  I use the no-cost
ISE 9.2 for Linux which is downloadable from
and for building .PIN files I installed the 'ghdl' package.

The same blog page above has a source tarball of hostmot2, or visit;a=summary
for git clone URLs.

Once you have the source, extract it and cd to the hostmot2-firmware
source directory, then:
    . /path/to/Xilinx92i/
be prepared to wait, possibly for hours.  If you have an
smp machine, use make -j# where # is the number of cores your system
has.  (I build on a 4-core 2.3GHz system with -j4 and it takes 75

You can build single firmwares if you can guess the path, e.g.:
    make fw/5i20/SVST8_4.BIT fw/5i20/SVST8_4.PIN
to build one firmware and one pinout for 5i20.

Thanks for your feedback,

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