Dear Neil,

No worrier here.  I was jut really trying to gauge if you were trying 
to be so or if I was just being overly sensitive.  I think it was the 
latter, so think noting of it.  The folks here put a lot of sweat, 
tears, and occasionally even a little blood into their work.  There is 
also a bit of history with at least 4 different companies that I know of 
engaging us in one way or another over the decades, and most of the 
interactions ended with less than pleasant memories so there are 
sensitive places here and there.  Like I said, it was not intentional so 
no worries.

You have a nice vision of things.  It is different than many of us, and 
if you are willing to roll up your sleeves and help (which it sounds 
like you are) then we can either find a way to integrate it or to help 
with a fork.  Even that is likely to cause some grumbling because 
inevitably someone reaches out for help from us on one of these 
off-shoots, and it ends up draining time and resources we would 
otherwise use to focus on our own projects.

One of the key things we need to discuss is if your approach to things 
(like different OS, new interfaces, etc.) will integrate into the 
existing infrastructure, or if you are going to try to convince us that 
something else is better.  We are all open to new things, but for us to 
uproot any underlying assumptions will take a lot of effort on your part 
to get the ball rolling and to convince us of any benefits.

I look forward to looking at the code.  I hope I will have time to look 
into when it comes along, and I wish you the best of luck with your 

   EBo --

On Dec 26 2015 11:51 AM, Neil Whelchel wrote:
> Hello EBo,
> I have never intended to be insulting or demanding in any of my 
> posts. If
> it appears that way, I apologize. If you would like to point out what 
> seems
> that way to you, I will re-phrase it so that it is not that way, and 
> I will
> avoid using such wording in the future.
> I am working on posting all of my code on my website, I expect to 
> have it
> up in a day or so. I am also asking the developers of Linuxcnc for 
> advice
> as to what the best way to make the code available and contribute the
> changes I have made.
> -Neil-
>> I would ask you though to not be insulting and demeaning in your
>> comments.  If you are then I, and probably others, will likely stop
>> reading what you write and it will end up in another big kerfuffle.  
>> You
>> have what appears on the face of it to have some good ideas.  If you
>> want us to take them seriously and maybe even help, then show us the
>> code, and don't insult us for decisions made a decade before most of 
>> us
>> even got involved with LCNC.
>>    EBo --
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