On Sat, Sep 8, 2018 at 6:28 PM Chris Morley <chrisinnana...@hotmail.com>

> I'm not sure where they are at with replacing NML, but that is not what I
> was talking of.

Machinekit has not gotten rid of NML, it's still how you get commands from
the UIs into Task.

My understanding from a cursory reading of their code is: They have added a
new program called machinetalk that you can think of as a "network UI", in
the same sense that our "halui" is a "HAL UI".  Machinetalk takes 0mq
messages from the network and turns them into NML messages, then sends
those NML messages to Task just like a "native NML" UI does.

It adds the capability of talking to the motion controller via 0mq, but at
the cost of an additional IPC hop.

That's how it looks to me but of course I'm no expert, I'd welcome
corrections from anyone who knows the MK code.

In my opinion it is a mistake to add another layer of communication on
top.  Far better to clean up the internals to replace NML with 0mq (or
whatever the correct transport is, I don't know the answer to that

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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