Doug has touched on what I think would be a great tool for the
EMI hunter...but rather than a 'sniffer', a 'goggle' similar
to what Geordi wears that facilitates the direct viewing of EM radiation.

Ideally, the device would allow adjustable band 'viewing' of the radiation
frequency, intensity, polarity and propagation pattern(s).

A rig like this could add a pc for compliance recognition/cataloging 
and perhaps someday eliminate the need for OATS, TEM cells and other
investigatinve methods.  The system could also harass on a per sample
basis in situ mfg. product.

-kyle, KC0IQE

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug McKean []
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 8:40 PM
To: EMC-PSTC Discussion Group
Subject: Re: TV nostalgia


Now, if we could just train ourselves to sniff out some of
those pesky EMI problems ...

- Doug McKean

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