The EMCTLA's Technical Guidance Note No 39 may be relevant here. 

These TGNs are guidance to UK test labs on how to apply the EMC directive and 
EMC test standards. 

You can get to TGN #39 via

If it doesn't answer your question completely, send an email to the EMCTLA's 
secretary and he may be able to come up with a consensus decision for you.

All the very best!
Keith Armstrong

In a message dated 07/06/02 23:01:43 GMT Daylight Time, 

> Subj:IEC 61000-4-2 ESD & 61000-4-5 Surge lower levels
> Date:07/06/02 23:01:43 GMT Daylight Time
> From: (w w)
> Hello all,
> I'm confused. When preparing an EMC test plan for CE
> requirements I've been told to narrow in on Generic or
> Product Standards (which ever is more applicable) to
> help demonstrate compliance. For example, if testing
> to EN 55024 ITE immunity, the standard calls for
> various IEC Basic Standards to be carried out. The
> severity levels to be perfromed on the EUT is given in
> the EN 55024 tables.
> I've always been told that:
> - The level called out in the Generic/Product standard
> takes precedent over the the informative- recommended
> sevrity levels (for a given environment,level 1-4
> etc)in the IEC Basic's
> - The Basic's are only to be used for set-up and how
> to perfrom the test. 
> Here's the question: In the ESD and Surge standard
> there is mention in the test methodology that "lower
> levels" shall be applied (I don't see this in the EFT,
> Rad Susc. or Cond RF standards). I have heard comments
> that only the one set of levels called out in the
> Generic/Product standard is all that needs to be
> performed. Then I've also been told from other camps
> that lower levels MUST be carried out.
> If the EN 55024 calls for 1,2 kV for surge on the AC,
> does this mean we have to repeat the test @ .5, 1kV
> too? For ESD, 8 air, 4 cont should really be 8,6,4,2
> air and 4,2,1 cont??

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