The "one in a billion" John refers to sounds very dramatic and difficult. 

So it may be helpful to refer to IEC 61508 which is a recently-published 
'basic safety publication' covering "The functional safety of electrical / 
electronic / programmable safety-related systems"

IEC 61508 uses the concept of the Safety Integrity Level (or SIL) to help 
design safety-related systems which have quantified failure probabilities. 

The SILs for “average probability of failure to perform design function on 
demand” are:
SIL level 1: up to 10^ -2
SIL level 2: 10^ -2 to 10^ -3
SIL level 3: 10^ -3 to 10^ -4
SIL level 4:  10^ -4 to 10^ -5 or even lower levels

The SILs for ““average probability of dangerous failure per hour of 
operation” are:
SIL level 1: up to 10^ -6
SIL level 2: 10^ -6 to 10^ -7
SIL level 3: 10^ -7 to 10^ -8
SIL level 4:  10^ -8 to 10^ -9 or even lower levels

The standard describes how to select the SIL level for a particular 
safety-related application, and we find that SIL4 is required where a failure 
of the safety system could result in the deaths or serious injuries of large 
numbers of people.

Most safety-related applications that most practising engineers will be 
involved in will be SIL1 or 2, maybe even SIL3, and hence require very much 
lower reliability than one in a billion.

'm sure that when we are driving our cars, or living near a nuclear plant, we 
would like to think that the designers of the braking system or control rod 
control systems (respectively) had looked at 'ALL risk scenarios down to the 
billion-to-one against level of probability' - to use John's words.

Regards, Keith Armstrong

In a message dated 04/01/02 19:31:57 GMT Standard Time, 

> Subj:Re: EMC-related safety issues
> Date:04/01/02 19:31:57 GMT Standard Time
> From: (John Woodgate)
> I read in !emc-pstc that wrote (in <167.698dddc.296
>>) about 'EMC-related safety issues', on Fri, 4 Jan 2002:
> >    As my paper at the IEEE's EMC Symposium in Montreal and my recent 
> article in 
> >    ITEM UPDATE 2001 show - at present EMC standards don't address safety 
> >    issues, and most safety standards don't address EMC-related functional 
> >    safety issues. 
> As far as CENELEC is concerned, it was a conscious decision not to
> incorporate 'EMC and Safety' issues into EMC standards, but to treat it
> as a separate subject.
> Some people may find a clarification helpful. We have EMC matters,
> concerned with compatibility between items of equipment, ensuring that
> they continue to work (Criterion A in the Generic Standards) or fail
> gracefully (Criteria B and C). These criteria do not address safety
> issues, as indicated in paragraph 1 above. However, the Generic
> Standards do have a limited 'blanket' requirement, that equipment must
> not become unsafe *during testing*.
> We also have safety matters per se, which don't involve EMC.
> We ALSO have the separate subject, called 'EMC and Safety' or reasonable
> variants thereof. This addresses the matter of equipment becoming unsafe
> *in service* due to excessive emission levels in the environment, or
> lack of sufficient immunity to acceptable emission levels. So far, this
> seems perfectly reasonable. 
> BUT it stops seeming reasonable when the question 'What could go wrong?'
> is asked and statistical data is used to attempt to answer it. To take a
> very simple example (maybe over-simplified), we might say that the
> probability of an unsafe occurrence should be less than 10^-9. That
> immediately means that the designer of the equipment has to look at ALL
> risk scenarios down to the billion-to-one against level of probability.
> To say that that is difficult is surely a great understatement. 
> But some experts in the field seem to ignore that great difficulty, and
> simply (or maybe not so simply) state that if the designer fails to take
> into account ANY scenario that subsequently results in an unsafe
> condition, the designer has failed in his professional responsibility,
> and may be held criminally responsible for negligence.
> Well, let us be very circumspect designers and look at what immunity
> levels we might need to get down to that 10^-9 probability. For radiated
> emissions, the necessary test levels seem to be of the order of 100 V/m.
> Test levels for other disturbances seem to be equally distantly related
> to the levels normally experienced and to the test levels in pure EMC
> standards. 
> We might conclude that assessment of EMC immunity per se is completely
> unnecessary, because testing for 'EMC and Safety' requires test levels
> of the order of 30 dB higher!
> One could go, with the sort of reasoning advocated by some experts,
> further into the realms of fantasy. Suppose, for a particular piece of
> equipment, the designer, with great diligence, identifies a million
> threat scenarios, each of which has a probability of 10^-9. The
> cumulative probability of ANY ONE of them occurring is only 10^-3. Bit
> risky, that!
> If the above reasoning seems flawed, consider a specific case, a lottery
> with 2000 tickets, numbered 0000 to 1999. One person can buy up to 5
> tickets, and all tickets are sold. Consider the probability of a
> 'remarkable occurrence'. This might be the drawing of the number '0000'
> or '1111' or '1234' or even '1010', depending on what you think is
> 'remarkable'. OK, we already have a cumulative probability down from 1
> in 2000 to 1 in 667 or 1 in 500. Now add in the probability that a
> participant in the lottery is chosen at random to draw the winning
> number, and draws (one of) his or her own numbers ...... 
> You shouldn't be able to get very long odds on a 'remarkable
> occurrence'! 
> -- 
> Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. 
> After swimming across the Hellespont, I felt like a Hero. 

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