        I think you're right. Both lawyer and plaintiff are responsible. The 
jury that goes along with the whole thing just because an insurance company is 
going to pay the whole thing is no help either. 
        The lady years ago (Oakland Calif if memory serves) that sued the store 
that sold, and the manufacturer who design, a skateboard. Seems her son fell 
off and broke and arm. She sued as an "attractive nusiance"
        I have fantasies of just once someone in the Jury standing up and 
screaning. What the heck did you expect when you bought your son a board that 
was mounted to little wheels lady, and then giving the plantiffs lawyer a swift 
kick for wasting everyones time.
        I have a wonderful lawyer joke, but I'll spare the group - but I'm 
chuckling pretty hard

-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Nute []
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: EMC-related safety issues

Hi Ken:

>   Trial lawyers and their clients have an obvious interest in portraying 
>   consumers as helpless and child-like, and rich corporations as robber-barons
>   preying on the poor and weak.  But why does the rest of society jump on that
>   bandwagon?  Because profit and wealth, once badges of achievement, are now
>   considered prima facie evidence of malfeasance.  The trail lawyers, in an
>   attempt to enrich themselves, have launched a full-scale attack on the
>   system of capitalism itself.  But unlike a real capitalist, who enriches
>   himself by serving others, the trial lawyer is a parasite - he achieves his
>   success at the expense of others, and the degree of his success is the
>   degree of destruction visited on society.

It is not the lawyers, but the client/plaintiff
who sees an opportunity for a free ride for the
rest of his life.  Society wants to see the little
guy get the free ride and the deep-pocket corporation
pay through the nose for his misdeeds.  I don't 
really believe that the client/plaintiff motive is 
punishment of the deep-pocket corporation, although 
that theory may be the one used in court.  

Ambulance-chasing lawyers do influence the client/
plaintiff in their path to the free ride, as the
lawyers, too, want a free ride.

(It seems to me that there is a prepronderance of 
very nice cars that bear the wheelchair symbol.)

Best wishes for the New Year,

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