I think the issue is that the lamp is not an EMC regulated
device.  In fact, in Europe, ITE conducted emissions must
be regulated so as not to cause desk/room lights to "flicker",
as in when a fuser lamp in a printer kicks on.

Apparantly the proper functioning of lighting takes precedence
over the propoer functioning of radios and the like affected by
the lights?


Rich Nute <richn%sdd.hp....@interlock.lexmark.com> on 01/03/2002 04:08:51 PM

Please respond to Rich Nute <richn%sdd.hp....@interlock.lexmark.com>

To:   jmw%jmwa.demon.co...@interlock.lexmark.com
cc:   emc-pstc%majordomo.ieee....@interlock.lexmark.com (bcc: George
Subject:  Re: EMC-related safety issues

Hi John:

>   >I've replaced the incandescent lamp on my bedside
>   >table with a new energy-saving compact flourescent
>   >lamp.  With the lamp on, I cannot listen to even
>   >the strongest AM radio station on my clock radio
>   >(on the same bedside table) due to the lamp
>   >interference.  This must not be the usage
>   >contemplated by EMC requirements.
>   Limits in the household environment are based on a 3 m separation
>   between source and receiver.


Either the lamp or the radio must be on the opposite
side of the room from my bedside table.  When I am in
bed, one or the other is not controllable, and is
therefore useless to me.

Whine mode on:  I want both on my bedside table, and
I want both to do all of their functions.  This IS
not the usage contemplated by 3 m separation EMC


Best wishes for the New Year,

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