ADF approaches are still in use using non-directional beacons (NDB).  I
expect to get a lot of experience with them while pursuing my instrument
rating this year.  Of course, the other use for the ADF receiver is tuning
in ball games while flying cross country as they cover the AM broadcast
band, as well.

Ghery Pettit

-----Original Message-----
From: Cortland Richmond []
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 9:41 AM
To: Ken Javor
Cc: Mike Hopkins;;
Subject: Re: EMC-related safety issues

I'm old enough, Ken, to remember ADF approaches! But
laptop switchers often operate inband to frequencies
used by aviation non-directional beacons. This makes
them more of a threat than the harmonics from
lower-frequency ones. It is also, of course,
possible for the laptop's other emissions to
interfere with an ILS or VOR receiver.

Some of the complaints I've seen have not been
rationally explicable, however. For example, at one
of my former employer's (no longer in existence) a
report was received that a laptop caused an aircraft
to bank two degrees. I've worked with aircraft
stabilization systems, and I've yet to figure out a
mechanism how that could happen.

(What I write here is mine alone.
My employer does not
Concur, agree or else endorse
These words, their tone, or thought.)

Ken Javor wrote:

> In my experience it is EXTREMELY unlikely that
> personal electronics could have disturbed ADF
> heading indication.  The ADF sensor is an
> electrostatically shielded loop which is mounted
> typically on the belly of a transport class
> aircraft, well away from any passenger-conveyed
> intense sources of magnetic fields.  The loop is
> very insensitive and requires quite a bit of
> magnetic field to respond and is completely
> insensitive to electric fields altogether.
> Further, no one would use ADF to line up an
> approach on a runway.

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