I read in !emc-pstc that Kevin Harris <harr...@dscltd.com> wrote (in
<D886DC8708ACD3118A0500606DD5DA6328C655@DSC_MAIL>) about 'EMC-related
safety issues', on Thu, 3 Jan 2002:
>If the BSI site says that, then it is yet another proof of you can't always
>believe what you read. :) My Aug 2001 version of the BSI electronic catalog
>shows a publication date of 1996 for the BS EN ( but the document was
>actually released in late 1995) with an addendum A1 published in 1998. The
>hard copy sitting in front of me (from BSI)  agrees with the electronic
>catalog :)
>There was a very generous transition period which ended in January of 2001.

I'll check again. Maybe there was some sort of glitch.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
After swimming across the Hellespont, I felt like a Hero. 

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