On Wed, 15 Aug 2007, Sven Mueller wrote:

> Also, as I mentioned in my previous mail, it's not clear how you need to
> "wire" the probe in hal: which input triggers the G38.2 to stop and
> print the position? I couldn't find that mentioned in the docs.

see http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/config/emc2hal/index.html

> Finally: I'm not necessarily talking about scripting in the place where
> currently Gcode is executed.

Me either! I don't think gcode would play well with a more free-form 
language because of its weird syntax requirements. I think of g-code as 
more of a data format than a programming language. Whether it's human 
readable or not is irrelevant to the computer, and that's partly why we 
ended up with such an unreadable mess. Mostly my call for a "macro 
language" was because I couldn't read any g-code programs with lots of 
numeric variables.

> Well documented script (perl, lua, ruby, python) language bindings to 
> the movement and IO parts of emc2 would work just as well for me.

Definitely - the less wheel-reinventing the better. Getting a real 
full-featured programming language is a nice side effect!  I started 
thinking about how best to write a Python API for EMC. Didn't get very 
far, but I think the general idea is sound. In short, I'd rather have the 
script actually running the machine than just spitting out g-code to feed 
the g-code parser.

Please take a look here and add your comments: 

> Actually, what I would like to see is some relatively optimized version
> of surface scanning implemented with a GUI (perhaps in tkEMC or one of
> the other GUIs?). Since the existing GUIs already allow manual
> movements, I would think that all I would like to see (enter a position
> directly or by doing a manual movement, multiple scan passes with
> differently sized probe tips,...) should be possible using the same
> techniques currently used in the GUIs. Though I'm relatively good at C
> programming as well as Perl programming, I don't know how to build an
> interface between the two or how to use tcl.

i hacked together a probing gui for weyland a while ago based on 
gridprobe.ngc available here: 

it's certainly not the most robust code ever.. my first attempt at tcl. i 
wonder if i should check it into cvs.


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