
>> The only thing I have to add is that Matt Shaver has reported following
errors with hm2 stepgen, and this issue has not been resolved yet.  His
workaround is to set the following error limit to "practical infinity",
until we figure out what's really going on. <<

I pushed it up to 1000, but there wasn't that much difference between that
and 100, so I stopped pursuing that route. I can try setting it to much
larger values.

>> If changing *only* the pwmgen scale changes how quickly your machine
errors out, then that theory doesnt work.  But if you were changing multiple
things, the true cause might have gotten hidden in the noise. <<

I do know enough to only change one variable at a time. :) The only thing I
was changing at that time was the pwm scale parameter.

>> Try setting everything the way you think it *should* work, then set axis
0 and 1 (but not 2) following error limits to 1000, and see what that does.

I will give that a shot anyway.


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