Eric H. Johnson wrote:
> Sebastian,
> The servo period isn't much of a problem, with a 1.6 Ghz dual core processor
> I was able to get the servo period down to 250 to 300 micro-seconds before I
> started getting overruns. The problem I have not figured out yet is how to
> outfox the kinematics, since in 200 micro-seconds, the laser can go from
> full off to full on, however the kinematics will limit it to the feed rate.
> For the time being I am using really small values of Z, and then use a large
> scale value on the output. I have also been playing with using an angular
> axis but that has a few issues as well.

So there are two problems we're dealing with there, right?  One is the 
mysterious following errors, and the other is how best to drive the lazzzor.

I think I agree with Jim Coleman - using an axis position to give the 
laser its power seems a bit strange.  You want it accessible to the 
g-code, Jim suggested spindle speed, but (if i understood you correctly) 
you said you didn't like the abrupt changes in duty cycle that come from 
using motion.spindle-speed-out directly.

Maybe you could use spindle-speed-out as an input to a properly tuned 
limit3 component, and use the limit3 output as the laser power?

That would give you full control over both "rate of change" (the 
"velocity" at which the pwm duty cycle changes) and "rate of change of 
rate of change" ("acceleration" at which the duty cycle changes), 
independent of kinematics.  Seems simpler.


But, that said, let's debug one thing at a time.  ;-)

Sebastian Kuzminsky
"Okay, people. Now is the time to start discussing the rules of war for
autonomous robots. Now, when it's still theoretical." --  Bruce Schneier

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