On Fri, 2009-05-29 at 09:29 +0200, Rob Jansen wrote:
... snip
> Emulsion is even worse. A lot of machinists warned me for the corrosive 
> behaviour of the emulsion - this is the main reason why a lot of 
> machines have rusty inner parts.

My mill has the coolant tank as part of the foot casting. When I brought
it home, it was full of old coolant. Inside, it looked and smelled just
like a septic tank. After cleaning it out, I haven't had the heart to
fill it again. The table and vise were badly rusted.

> P.s: what I like on the Datron machine is the change of the direction of 
> the mist, depending on the milling direction. Would be interesting to 
> know if this is automatic or a G-code action.
> Regards,
>     Rob

It almost seems like the mist is controlled by the X direction. I wonder
if the .hal pid.N.output and comp.N connected to a pair of digital
outputs would work?

Are you familiar enough with Datron's to know if there are other air
jets that automatically clean the general work area? In the video, it
shows the operator opening the machine and wheeling the catch bin away
from a clean work space.
Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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