I'll see what I can do, I have an aftermarket parallel port though. I
decided to take the cards out from the box and make a new PID tuning, I
think it's not correct. Anyway, something is fishy. The documentation is
saying that far higher step rates should be no problem at all.
BTW, SPI is not the same thing as Kirk's "dumb drivers", right? These cards
are supporting SPI communication as well.

2009/9/24 Gene Heskett <gene.hesk...@gmail.com>

> On Thursday 24 September 2009, Sven Wesley wrote:
> >Yes, maybe. What should I look for?
> >
> The voltage levels your parport is capable of outputting, and whether there
> may be extra noises on the signals.  The scope will need to be dc coupled
> of
> course, and have good bandwidth.  The 100mhz dual trace that most techs
> carry
> is about right for this sort of stuff.
> Your parport should be capable of outputting a logic zero that is well
> below
> .2 volts, which gives about a .4 or .5 volt margin for noise.  Conversely,
> the logic 1's should be 2.9 volts or better ttto have that same half a volt
> for noise margin, and here, generally speaking, the pullup ability is
> rather
> puny, so noise on the line becomes more important.  There is a voltage
> range
> from about .6 volts to around 2.4 volts where the chip makers will not say
> what the output will be, so the driving voltages must be more  widely
> separated in order to be running at guaranteed valid signaling voltages.
> Sure, one can measure this with a multimeter, but it doesn't show you the
> noise that screws things up.  The scope will.  And some parport driver
> chips
> are known to have very low driving abilities.  The cure there is to use an
> aftermarket card, which will generally have much stronger drivers on it.
> 'star' grounding schemes are also good practice.  Just tying all the
> grounds
> together all over the place will often cause ground loops, which can pick
> up
> large amounts of noise & muck with things in strange ways.  The shield
> coverings of my motor cabling are grounded only at the driver terminal
> ends,
> and not to the machine, which has its own frame ground via the power cord
> and
> the variable speed spindle controller.  I can even do EDM with an 80 volt,
> 6
> amp capable supply running at 3 amps, so noisy my 75 year old ears object,
> but none of that noise gets into the control circuits badly enough to
> effect
> the machine.
> >2009/9/24 Gene Heskett <gene.hesk...@gmail.com>
> >
> >> On Wednesday 23 September 2009, Sven Wesley wrote:
> >> >I'm still loosing on Z by the way, I'm starting to suspect a faulty
> >>
> >> driver.
> >>
> >> Do you perchance have access to an oscilloscope?
> >
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