On Tue, 29 Sep 2009 22:02:51 +0100, you wrote:

>2009/9/29 Kirk Wallace <kwall...@wallacecompany.com>:
>> I still think your threading problem is due to the Z acceleration issue.
>> You may try cutting an air thread that is as long as your Z axis will
>> allow. If your thread wanders the same across the thread then I would
>> look into your encoder more. If the wander settles to a perfect sync to
>> your spindle, then look at the accel problem.
>As always, it is more complicated than this...
>G61.1 helps, but only if I turn down my max accel rate, otherwise it
>drives the stepper too fast and it stalls. It is not a complete
>solution, either.


As an example, I can thread a 1.5mm pitch thread at 1000 rpm using
steppers. Acceleration should be set so the stepper can still move
reliably without CV. BUT you need to be out of the cut while that
acceleration is taking place.

I watched your video, but couldn't determine how much lead in you were
giving the thread?

I've heard the same jittering occasionally, but at a much higher
frequency. Air running testing many passes and watching the speed
readout, it seems to happen on the full pass that a noise pulse occurred

My acceleration values are high, BUT I still always start 5mm off the
end. Delay on 1st pass for spindle to get to speed, all interim moves
are G0's. Spindle here is 1.1kW, I've tried encoders with 90 and 125 ppr
per rev and they work fine. Ideally you need to have NO noise on the
encoder line. Mine still has a little, and needs a new encoder cable,
and shows as odd kicks on the spindle speed readout - even with the
spindle stopped. Repositioning the existing cable helped enormously.

I think you have two problems, noise and not enough lead in.

Steve Blackmore

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